Broken Hearts | Aloud
This track is on repeat all day long for me. Really great song! Actually, the whole album is great. No wait, everything Aloud makes is great!
This track is on repeat all day long for me. Really great song! Actually, the whole album is great. No wait, everything Aloud makes is great!
A penguin has enough of their formal outfit.
Agent Kit-Kat, probably the best spy in the universe :D
Schöne Überspitzung von Landmagazinen. Ziemlich authentisch :D
Apparently not many big things have happened in the field of programming in the last 40 years. This talk shows many awesome techniques that were invented back then. They still aren't in widespread use.
Cute "Thank You" card from Temporary Residence, that was included with the Deep Politics CD from Grails (which is a great album)!
Ein großartiger Vortrag von Linus Neumann über die seltsamen IT-Projekte der Bundesrepublik.
Tim Minchin on cat content on YouTube :D
Huh, haven't posted this song yet.
A really awesome song. Actually, the whole album is great!
EDIT: Found a live recording of this song. It's amazing!
Jay! simplechat, my websocket-based chat application, got an overhaul.
Mostly an UI improvement. The chat now looks much better IMHO.
You can either install it on your own server or use my public installation.
Awesome drawing of /u/marveldeadpool, found on /r/HeavyMind, which is a really cool subreddit BTW.
Goats are badass!
Woo! Today I released version 1.0 of my compiling template engine STE!
Russ Cox talks about automatically transforming the Go compiler from C to Go.
Great video explaining the impacts plastic has to the oceans.
Hilarious short animation video about a galactic delivery service. Must watch!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :3
Gutes Video von SemperVideo zu dem Thema, warum Online-Werbung ein Sicherheitsproblem darstellen kann.
Very touching short movie about bullying and gender identity.
Sehr gute, faszinierende Doku über Rechtsextremismus, Fremdenhass und die wahre Heimat der "Arier". Hint: Nicht in Europa!
CGPGrey explains why net neutrality is important.