Hi, im Laria

This website is no longer maintained. You can visit my new website laria.me instead!

Mars Argo

( Posted: 2013-10-10 15:58:45 Tags: , )

Huh, I have not posted something about Mars Argo on this blog. Sooo....

You, yes you! Listen to Mars Argo. Now! They're awesome! I highly suggest Beauty is Empty.

Oh, and if you are ready for some WTF moments, visit their YouTube channel. There are many cool music videos, but also a lot of weird stuff. You have been warned ;-).


( Posted: 2013-09-22 11:45:15 Tags: , , , , )

I've written a web-based service that allows you to send yourself an email based on a schedule: mailremind.

Why? Because I often send myself an email to remind me of something and I thought it would be useful if I could send mails in the future or based on a schedule (e.g. useful for birthdays).

If you also think this is useful, you can have your own installation (it is quite easy to configure), or you can use my public mailremind installation: mailremind.silvasur.net

gomcmap updated

( Posted: 2013-09-21 00:58:27 Tags: , , )

I updated gomcmap, my Go library for handling Minecraft maps.

  • New Biomes and blocks from the recent snapshots were added.
  • Adding Chunks implemented.
  • Removing chunks implemented.
  • RecalcHeightmap fixed.

biomed was updated

( Posted: 2013-09-20 21:59:49 Tags: , , )

I updated biomed. A bug in the weather condition fix code was fixed (snow could fall through glass because of Minecrafts weird definition of a height map).

There is now also an experimental minecraft-1.7 branch which adds the new biomes that the recently released snapshots introduced. When Minecraft 1.7 is out, I wil merge that branch into master.

Wahl-O-Mat zur Bundestagswahl 2013

( Posted: 2013-08-29 12:19:02 Tags: , , )

Der Wahl-O-Mat für diese Buntestagswahl ist freigeschaltet. Gutes Tool, um sich über die Standpunkte der Parteien zu informieren.

Tipp: Lest euch mal die Begründungen der Partei Die PARTEI durch, recht amüsant :-D.

SZ-Wahl-Thesentest - Welche Partei Ihnen wirklich nahe steht

( Posted: 2013-08-29 00:10:29 Tags: , , )

Sehr gutes Tool, um die Gesinnungen der größeren Parteien mit seiner zu vergleichen. Man bekommt danach ein Gesamtergebnis, dass prozentual die Übereinstimmung ausdrückt und man kann sich das weiter aufschlüsseln lassen, teilweise sogar mit schriftlicher Begründung der Abgeordneten.

Ich hatte übrigens mit den Piraten die größte Übereinstimmung.