Crippled Black Phoenix - Northern Comfort
Yes, another Crippled Black Phoenix post. Yes I'm still excited.
KRAMSS - Überraschungseier und Sexismus
Aloud concert
Cool! Redstar Union published a recording of a concert with Aloud.
Apparently the article is broken, some links seem to be missing. Here is the Redstar Union page with the videos.
A cool little browser game. A very simple concept but oddly addicting.
(This site seems to change from time to time. I found no permalink to the game. Look for 2048, if it isn't there anymore)
The first windflowers!
Woo! It's becoming spring \(^.^)/
White Light Generator – Preview
Another preview of Crippled Black Phoenix' next album "White Light Generator", and it sounds amazing! Really clever melodies, IMHO. I'm really excited for the album (see also).
Barry McGuire - Eve of Destruction
Aloud – It's Got To Be Now
The title song from Alouds upcoming album "It's Got To Be Now". Very cool rock'n'roll-ish song!
Whee! My first OpenStreetMap contribution.
I got a GPS today, the etrex 10 from Garmin. Cool little device :).
Recorded a GPS trace and added some previously unmapped paths to OpenStreetMap (which is a cool project BTW).
The Prospects of CSS on the Backend
To be a turing complete language means that anything can be constructed, but we can’t even vertically center a div yet.
Joint Venture - Hank starb an ner Überdosis Hasch
Shrinebuilder - Pyramid of the Moon
Totally forgot about that great band. Rediscovered them by accident (was on the front page of Shreddit today).
Der Postillon: Thilo Sarrazin entgeht tugendterroristischem Anschlag nur knapp
Magic The Gathering – Monopoly Edition
Fat-Free Framework
I discovered the Fat-Free-Framework last week and fell in love with it. I am usually not a big fan of frameworks, since most of them enforce too many restrictions, but this one is really nice.
Maverick Bird
Terry Cavanagh made a Flappy Bird clone. Ridiculously difficult and kinda addicting.
Jazzpunk is a great little game. It is extremely funny, full of ridiculous situations. Almost like Monty Python did a video game. Love it!
Humble Indie Bundle 11
Woo! The next Humble Indie Bundle is out!
I played some Antichamber, which is a very cool, unique game.
Facebook now has custom gender options.
Great! Facebook is (like it or don't) an important part of our western culture. I think it's a huge thing, that they recognize non-binary gender now!
"A Brighter Tomorrow" - CBP
A song from Crippled Black Phoenix' next album "White light generator".
Sounds really good. Can't wait for the album :)
Person running really fast
Tycho - Dive
Veeeery relaxing music
Monkey3 - Icarus
Woo, Monkey3!
Phantogram - When I'm Small
Great song!
I kinda love YouTube for it's unreliable "related" videos function. That wasn't related at all. I ain't even mad.
command center: Self-referential functions and the design of options
Cool idea for designing options in Go.
Kieler Landtag: Große Mehrheit gegen Homophobie
Mehrheit des Kieler Landtags beschließt den Antrag "Miteinander stärken, Homophobie und Diskriminierung bekämpfen". Sehr schön :).
Und wer war mal wieder dagegen? Genau, die CDU.... >:(
River Crossing Puzzle
Found on /r/Unexpected
Nice photos of Antarctica.
Found on /r/EarthPorn