Uneasy Rider: Radfahren in Las Vegas
Cooler Artikel von einem heise-Reporter, der bei der CES in Las Vegas mit dem Fahrrad gefahren ist. Anscheinend ist Radfahren in den USA eher Sport als Fortbewegung.
Cooler Artikel von einem heise-Reporter, der bei der CES in Las Vegas mit dem Fahrrad gefahren ist. Anscheinend ist Radfahren in den USA eher Sport als Fortbewegung.
A very cool album you should listen to!
What if homosexuality was the norm? Fascinating short film!
Endlich können auch die Kleinen mitrandalieren :3
(found on /r/ProgrammerHumor)
webOS really was ahead of it's time. A shame that HP destroyed it.
But there is hope, LG bought webOS and now plans to use it for their smart TVs. And it looks pretty awesome!
(Found on /r/aww)
Harald Lesch erklärt schön, warum Pseudowissenschaften nicht ernst zu nehmen sind.
So, my small youtube-feed
tool is really useful. I am not subscribed to any channels any more (since I prepare to delete my Google-Account) and I still get all the new videos from my favourite YouTubers. Great!
I ♥ Boy in Pink Earmuffs :3.
(The story line begins here)
NCITW is just awesome!
Still one of the most kick-ass songs of all time IMO (wait for it).
Cool talk about X11 and Wayland.
Just found this cool channel on YouTube. They make really funny videos, e.g.:
Birds are awesome!
Found this cool necklace at the medieval-themed christmas market here in Lübeck. I love it!
youtube-feed is a small tool I've written in Go to combine multiple YouTube user feeds into one. Since I want to cancel my YouTube account soon, I needed this program as a replacement for subscribing to channels.
Interessanter Artikel von Ranga Yogeshwar uber die psychologischen Effekte von Dauerüberwachung.