Hi, im Laria

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Aloud concert

( Posted: 2014-03-13 00:21:11 Tags: )

Cool! Redstar Union published a recording of a concert with Aloud.

Apparently the article is broken, some links seem to be missing. Here is the Redstar Union page with the videos.


( Posted: 2014-03-11 13:45:43 Tags: )

A cool little browser game. A very simple concept but oddly addicting.

(This site seems to change from time to time. I found no permalink to the game. Look for 2048, if it isn't there anymore)

Whee! My first OpenStreetMap contribution.

( Posted: 2014-02-28 21:35:54 Tags: )

I got a GPS today, the etrex 10 from Garmin. Cool little device :).

Recorded a GPS trace and added some previously unmapped paths to OpenStreetMap (which is a cool project BTW).

Fat-Free Framework

( Posted: 2014-02-22 14:17:16 Tags: , , , )

I discovered the Fat-Free-Framework last week and fell in love with it. I am usually not a big fan of frameworks, since most of them enforce too many restrictions, but this one is really nice.


Maverick Bird

( Posted: 2014-02-22 14:06:43 Tags: )

Terry Cavanagh made a Flappy Bird clone. Ridiculously difficult and kinda addicting.


( Posted: 2014-02-19 21:19:11 Tags: , )

Jazzpunk is a great little game. It is extremely funny, full of ridiculous situations. Almost like Monty Python did a video game. Love it!

"A Brighter Tomorrow" - CBP

( Posted: 2014-02-13 00:00:26 Tags: )

A song from Crippled Black Phoenix' next album "White light generator".

Sounds really good. Can't wait for the album :)