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dritte Option | Für einen dritten Geschlechtseintrag

( Posted: 2014-10-22 22:18:44 Tags: , , , , , )

Die Kampagne "dritte Option" setzt sich für eine weitere Option neben männlich/weiblich bei Geschlechtsangaben auf offiziellen Dokumenten in Deutschland ein. Die Kampagne hat vor dem Amtsgericht Hannover leider verloren, will aber in die nächste Instanz gehen. Ich finde das eine unterstützenswerte Kampagne, es ist längst überfällig, das Menschen, die nicht in das binäre Geschlechtersystem passen, gleich behandelt werden. Eine dritte Option wäre meiner Meinung nach ein erster wichtiger Schritt dahin.


( Posted: 2014-10-12 21:41:26 Tags: , , , )

I've written a small tool that generates an Atom-Feed from a Twitter-Account. All recent (re-)tweets of an account get transfromed into an atom feed. I don't really use my twitter account for posting and want to close it. But there were some people I couldn't get upates from other platforms than twitter, so I've written this tool.

Instead of using twitter's API, it just scrapes the HTML. This has the advantage that I don't need an API key. I don't think twitter would like to see such a program anyway, so they might refuse to give me a key. Of course this also means that I will have to update the tool from time to time, if they decide to change the markup.


( Posted: 2014-09-29 22:19:40 Tags: )

A really great retro hack'n'slay game. Currently playing it, highly recommended.

Is it a Notebook? Is it a Tablet?

( Posted: 2014-08-24 22:53:16 Tags: )

Both! And I love it already! It's an Ideapad Yoga 11s from Lenovo.

I needed a small portable computer for my daily commuting. I want to do something useful with that 90 minutes on the train every day (okay, let's be honest, I will mostly surf reddit once I get mobile internet, can't decide on a contract yet, they are all shitty).



( Posted: 2014-08-18 22:24:37 Tags: , , , )

I needed to tag some MP3 files to transfer them to my Hi-MD player (I know, I'm a technological caveman sometimes...). Since I have the most important music infos encoded in the directory structure, I could write a little shell script to automate this.

This is why a Unix-ish system beats Windows: You can combine simple tools with a simple, yet powerful programming language to automate almost everything if you want to. On Windows you probably would have to download a 3rd party program for that.

Endlich da!

( Posted: 2014-08-05 22:21:28 Tags: , , )

Woo! Der nächste Ulldart von Markus Heitz ist bei mir angekommen (Müssen die erst nachgedruckt werden, oder warum dauert da ca. 2 Wochen? War beim zweiten Teil auch so)! Da habe ich mich schon länger drauf gefreut! Bin gespannt, wie es mit Lodrik weitergeht! Klare Empfehlung für jede*n Fantasyfreund*in!


Cute adhesive notes

( Posted: 2014-07-02 16:39:17 Tags: , , )

Actually only wanted to buy a notebook (like, the paper thing, not a portable computer) but I just needed to buy these notes. I freaking love owls :3

The company makes even more cute notes, btw.