The Prospects of CSS on the Backend
To be a turing complete language means that anything can be constructed, but we can’t even vertically center a div yet.
To be a turing complete language means that anything can be constructed, but we can’t even vertically center a div yet.
Jazzpunk is a great little game. It is extremely funny, full of ridiculous situations. Almost like Monty Python did a video game. Love it!
Found on /r/Unexpected
Endlich können auch die Kleinen mitrandalieren :3
(found on /r/ProgrammerHumor)
NCITW is just awesome!
Just found this cool channel on YouTube. They make really funny videos, e.g.:
A hobbyte!
Found on /r/unexpected.
IKEA or Death Metal?
I scored 14 / 20 (Kvlt). Meh.
Via /r/funny
Awesome action from Greenpeace!